Champions League XI v European Cup XI player-by-player breakdown

Champions League XI v European Cup XI player-by-player breakdown

After several hours of extensive research and vicious debate, last week saw the unveil the best teams to have played in the European Cup and the Champions League.

If you missed the original article, it can be found by clicking this link.

The concept pitted the best 11 players to have graced Europe’s elite competition before it’s 1992 rebrand, against those who’ve shone since in the tournament under the guise which we currently know it.

Players were selected based on the number of winners medals, as well as other notable achievements, which were then compared to those from the opposing team to determine which was superior.

The results proved the pre-1992 vintage were stronger, making more final appearances and scoring more showpiece goals than their modern-day counterparts, in addition to having more winners medals locked in their trophy cabinets.

For those who prefer moving pictures to still images, the tech team over at bwin towers have revamped the graphic into video format, breaking the teams down into position-by-position comparisons.

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